Friday, June 4, 2010

Day 13-Troy, MT to Eureka, MT

Interesting day! Wet of course. Started out having breakfast at a scary looking place-Jack's Cafe. Excellent breakfast..busy! Waitress had to be 75, (the only waitress-figured out later she was doing all the cooking!) bum knee and grumpy! Two "Harley" biker guys in corner were razzing us about being on bicycles, pedaling so far. Old guy in other corner says, "So what year do you plan to be back in NH?" Biker guy then says, "What does it matter? It's NH!" Very funny! Had reservation at campground about 45 miles away..but for a cabin because of wet weather. Miscommunications put us on wrong side of no cabin for us. Would have had to backtrack 20 miles. No thanks. Only choice was to go another 40 miles to next town with campground. ( In the middle of nowhere.) As we pedaled got then decided to go another 10 miles beyond that to get a motel in Eureka..close to a 100 mile day. It was doable..but then Rick got his 3rd flat. Took longer than usual to then..pouring..and we were wondering if we'd make it to Eureka before dark..also running low on fluids. We had gone about a mile since fixing the flat tire when we saw a pickup on the side of the road..2 guys loading up some tools/chainsaws-they had just been working on clearing some hiking trails. We stopped..asked where they were Eureka!! We asked if we could get a ride! Eureka was still 26 miles away! Thank you Wayne and Rick!! Hot shower felt great!!

Miles 96 (70 by bike!)
Total 638

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