Monday, June 7, 2010

Day 16-Essex, MT to Cut Bank MT

Headed to flatlands!

Climbing out of East Glacier

The route flattens out as you can see--the railroad will follow us all along route 2!

This is the door to our motel room we are at tonight!! First time I have wanted to use flip flops in the shower..and wear my clothes to bed!!

The day started out damp and cool, the first 2 hours of climbing but not that steep. As we got to the top of Marias Pass and started the long gradual descents into East Glacier...big tail winds! The terrain also flattened out. As we kept looking back towards East Glacier, the scenery got more spectacular. The rest of the way into Cut Bank was fast...with these bikes and all the extra weight..and tail winds..they feel like freight trains!! Fun!! The last 35 miles only took 90 minutes!! It was also the first day where I had both shorts and short sleeves on!!
Miles 78
Total 823

1 comment:

  1. Lynda and Rich:
    So great to meet you guys today in Cut Bank! I'll be following your trek across the continent and living the journey vicariously! You both inspire "weekend warriors" like myself. Here's to catching that west tailwind for days to come. Happy spinning across Montana, or as Buzz Lightyear was famous for saying, "To infinity... and beyond!"
