Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Day 17-Cut Bank, MT to Chester, MT

Windmills galore!

Another beautiful weather day!!. Some tailwinds..not as strong as yesterday but we'll take it!! There were some side winds from the north but not bad. Saw some pronghorn antelope and lots of little prairie dogs! Was fun riding alongside of the train. It is only about 150 feet from the road....it would ride alongside of us for a bit..pass us..20 min. later it would be stopped in the next town!! We would wave to engineer..he'd wave back..give us the thumbs up..pass us again minutes later..blow his horn...went back and forth for about an hour or so..fun!!

Came upon some construction..waiting with other vehicles..man in red pickup with dirt bike in the back rolls his window down and said, "Hey, you guys headed to NH?" We said, "Yes, how did you know?" Well, turns out we had met him a few days back in a small town at the local gas station! He was headed to Ohio to visit family for a few weeks!! Nothing else to report..
Miles 67
Total 890

Video of riding alongside train--I was filming as we were riding..doing about 20 mph, trying to avoid the rumble strips!!

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