Friday, June 11, 2010

Day 20-Minot, ND

Another day off!! Very rainy/drizzly/foggy. We arrived on the amtrak train last bikes put back together in hotel room...then decided this am that rick's back was toast...taking the day off...doing laundry..laying around..dinner..etc. Going to rent a car at the Minot airport to Rochester, NY. Hopefully ride bikes home from there. Hopefully get to see Niagara Falls..never seen that. More tomorrow...
Miles 0
Total 954

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Day 19-AMTRAK!! Havre, MT to Minot, ND

Decided to modify our plans to give Rick's back a break. Boarded the Amtrak in Havre, and head to Minot, ND 460 miles away. That way we can drop the daily mileage from 70 ish to 55-60..hopefully less time on the bike will make the back better. The train ride was pretty..had never been on Amtrak before. When we got off..asked one of the workers about taxis, how close nearest motel was, etc. It was 9pm and getting dark, decided not to put bikes together (we had to box them to take on train) in train station then ride to hotel. Within minutes..worker rounded up his son's girlfriend with pickup..threw stuff in back and she had us to hotel in 10 minutes!! Thank you Amtrak worker, and Alyssa!! While having dinner in the lounge-watching Celtics talking to Gail and Tony-they volunteer for Rails to Trails, and once a month they are on the Amtrak and commentate along the way regarding history of certain areas, natural formations, etc. Very nice visit. (They were also watching and rooting for the Celtics!)
Miles 0
Total 954

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Day 18-Chester, MT to Havre, MT

Well deserved!!

Ok. This explains it in a nutshell...64 miles..brutal head winds...started riding at 7:30, off of bikes at 3 ish! Treated ourselves to spaghetti dinner (eating and sleeping like a champ!!), and a couple of drinks. Needless to say, we are beat!! Planning on a "day off " tomorrow--so 23 miles to the next town. Need to do some laundry..give Rick's back a break.
Miles 64
Total 954

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Day 17-Cut Bank, MT to Chester, MT

Windmills galore!

Another beautiful weather day!!. Some tailwinds..not as strong as yesterday but we'll take it!! There were some side winds from the north but not bad. Saw some pronghorn antelope and lots of little prairie dogs! Was fun riding alongside of the train. It is only about 150 feet from the would ride alongside of us for a bit..pass us..20 min. later it would be stopped in the next town!! We would wave to engineer..he'd wave back..give us the thumbs up..pass us again minutes later..blow his horn...went back and forth for about an hour or!!

Came upon some construction..waiting with other in red pickup with dirt bike in the back rolls his window down and said, "Hey, you guys headed to NH?" We said, "Yes, how did you know?" Well, turns out we had met him a few days back in a small town at the local gas station! He was headed to Ohio to visit family for a few weeks!! Nothing else to report..
Miles 67
Total 890

Video of riding alongside train--I was filming as we were riding..doing about 20 mph, trying to avoid the rumble strips!!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Day 16-Essex, MT to Cut Bank MT

Headed to flatlands!

Climbing out of East Glacier

The route flattens out as you can see--the railroad will follow us all along route 2!

This is the door to our motel room we are at tonight!! First time I have wanted to use flip flops in the shower..and wear my clothes to bed!!

The day started out damp and cool, the first 2 hours of climbing but not that steep. As we got to the top of Marias Pass and started the long gradual descents into East Glacier...big tail winds! The terrain also flattened out. As we kept looking back towards East Glacier, the scenery got more spectacular. The rest of the way into Cut Bank was fast...with these bikes and all the extra weight..and tail winds..they feel like freight trains!! Fun!! The last 35 miles only took 90 minutes!! It was also the first day where I had both shorts and short sleeves on!!
Miles 78
Total 823

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Day 15-Whitefish, MT to Essex, MT

Views of Glacier from the helicopter

Jim the pilot!!

Great day!! Dry again...ride went well-Rick got his 4th flat already!! Decided to put new tire and tube on. Jeez. As we got into West Glacier, we came upon a helicopter tour service--very small operation. Rick went to check on price, etc..30 min. later we were in the air!! Jim Krueger is the owner/pilot!! Nice man..started flying for the Park Service back in 1970, started his touring company in 1980. He has done rescues..shot grizzlies that have killed humans from the air...then hauled the bears away..even brought an outhouse up on one of the mountains for a hiking shelter!! He was very knowledgeable of the whole Park. The views were stunning...I could hardly talk. I took some video and pics..but had a hard time uploading them to the blog, so check in a day or two for some great shots!! The best day yet!
Miles 54
Total 745

Here are a few short videos from our helicopter ride in Glacier National Park!!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Day 14-Eureka, MT to Whitefish, MT

Watched this osprey (we think) have a bite to eat!

Downtown Whitefish

Welcome to the ladies' restroom at the Bull Dog Saloon!!

Welcome to the men's room!

Had another great breakfast (stuffed waffle with whipped cream and strawberries!) and visiting with the locals...made our way to Whitefish Montana. Cool but dry day..some sun. Took Rick to an urgent care facility in Whitefish..has been having some lower back problems. Got some painkillers..advice from the doc. Walked around Whitefish..nice town! Had dinner at the Bull Dog Saloon! Lots of lively people..good grub and of course...the restrooms!! What a hoot. Can't get enough of this bike touring stuff....
Miles 53
Total 691

Friday, June 4, 2010

Day 13-Troy, MT to Eureka, MT

Interesting day! Wet of course. Started out having breakfast at a scary looking place-Jack's Cafe. Excellent breakfast..busy! Waitress had to be 75, (the only waitress-figured out later she was doing all the cooking!) bum knee and grumpy! Two "Harley" biker guys in corner were razzing us about being on bicycles, pedaling so far. Old guy in other corner says, "So what year do you plan to be back in NH?" Biker guy then says, "What does it matter? It's NH!" Very funny! Had reservation at campground about 45 miles away..but for a cabin because of wet weather. Miscommunications put us on wrong side of no cabin for us. Would have had to backtrack 20 miles. No thanks. Only choice was to go another 40 miles to next town with campground. ( In the middle of nowhere.) As we pedaled got then decided to go another 10 miles beyond that to get a motel in Eureka..close to a 100 mile day. It was doable..but then Rick got his 3rd flat. Took longer than usual to then..pouring..and we were wondering if we'd make it to Eureka before dark..also running low on fluids. We had gone about a mile since fixing the flat tire when we saw a pickup on the side of the road..2 guys loading up some tools/chainsaws-they had just been working on clearing some hiking trails. We stopped..asked where they were Eureka!! We asked if we could get a ride! Eureka was still 26 miles away! Thank you Wayne and Rick!! Hot shower felt great!!

Miles 96 (70 by bike!)
Total 638

Day 12-Sandpoint, ID to Troy, MT (Thur. June 3)

Lake Pend Orielle

Looks like a fun boat!

Cabinet Mountains

Rick liked our waitress/bartender! She was fun!
Awoke to a nice partly sunny, dry day!! We pedaled along Lake Pend Oreille the first couple of hours..and soon entered Montana! Enjoyed a peanut butter and jelly lunch roadside..stunning scenery! Another motel though..rain in the forecast for night and all of Friday! Found a motel-sketchy looking but found the rooms were large and clean! We then walked next door to an even sketchier looking restaurant-The Silver Spur Saloon-what a cute/nice place!! Had some tasty beef nachos and a couple of beers! A couple of guys were talking with Rick--making fun of his "accent!"
Miles 84
Total 542

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Day 11-Day off in Sandpoint, Idaho

Very lazy day!!

Decided to take the day off because of the wet weather forecast!! Sandpoint is also a very pretty town..on Lake Pend O'Reille. We walked around the town..went for lunch and dinner at an irish pub...took a quick soak in the inside hot tub at the hotel..otherwise...nothing else to report. Planning on an 85 mile day tomorrow into Montana.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Day 10-Ione, WA to Sandpoint, ID

See the elk?


Lake Pend Oreille
Washington wildlife!

Our view for most of the day

Day 10-Ione, WA to Sandpoint, ID

Rainy days aren't so bad, are they?

Hey Jeannie Sandmann!! Looks like your bottle opener you gave us for our 2007 xc trip is coming in quite handy!!

Had breakfast here!! Blueberry pancakes!

Breakfast with Brian and Ken

Interesting day! Started out wet and gloomy..pedaled through some showers off and on for the first few hours. The route was flat, scenic-followed along the Pend Oreille River-no traffic! Very relaxing. Saw a couple of deer and an elk! I got my first flat tire --just as Rick got done fixing it, a man came up to us on a bike commuting to work and asked if we needed anything. We didn't, but he insisted that we take one of his spare tubes. Nice man. The last 26 miles into Sandpoint was accompanied by a nice tailwind!! Ended up being sunny and in the 70's by the end of our ride. Our hotel is about a quarter mile from Lake Pend beautiful here
Miles 82
Total 458

Monday, May 31, 2010

Day 9-Colville, Wa to Ione, WA

Crystal Falls
Guess what? We pedaled in the rain!! The temps have been mild so being wet isn't all that bad. Lynda had her first dog chase!! We were headed down a hill so we were moving right along when dog came out of nowhere charging towards my front tire! Stopped just in time as dog got to tire..confronted stopped and ran away! Works like a charm! We had planned to do a longer day but as the rain got heavier we changed our minds and ended up in Ione, pop. 479! Tiny motel but clean..walked to a groc. store to get dinner--microwaveable pizza and popcorn!! Also did some laundry--nice to have some clean clothes!
Miles 42
Total 376

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Day 8-Republic, WA to Colville, WA

See the deer? She was in the middle of the road.

Finally started out the day with blue skies!! After an egg sandwich at the local diner..we headed up Sherman's Pass. Very pretty day and the views incredible. Lots of switchbacks so the climbing was not too bad. Clouds did roll at the top..and showers on the descent. As we got near the bottom..temps were in the low 70's!! What a treat. Rain predicted again for tonight and again still no camping! Chilly at night too.
Miles 54
Total 334