Monday, May 31, 2010

Day 9-Colville, Wa to Ione, WA

Crystal Falls
Guess what? We pedaled in the rain!! The temps have been mild so being wet isn't all that bad. Lynda had her first dog chase!! We were headed down a hill so we were moving right along when dog came out of nowhere charging towards my front tire! Stopped just in time as dog got to tire..confronted stopped and ran away! Works like a charm! We had planned to do a longer day but as the rain got heavier we changed our minds and ended up in Ione, pop. 479! Tiny motel but clean..walked to a groc. store to get dinner--microwaveable pizza and popcorn!! Also did some laundry--nice to have some clean clothes!
Miles 42
Total 376

1 comment:

  1. GREAT JOB.....Excellent scenery and pictures!!!

    Sure am glad we finally got a picture of a cow in here.

    Be safe..........ride on.
