Monday, May 31, 2010

Day 9-Colville, Wa to Ione, WA

Crystal Falls
Guess what? We pedaled in the rain!! The temps have been mild so being wet isn't all that bad. Lynda had her first dog chase!! We were headed down a hill so we were moving right along when dog came out of nowhere charging towards my front tire! Stopped just in time as dog got to tire..confronted stopped and ran away! Works like a charm! We had planned to do a longer day but as the rain got heavier we changed our minds and ended up in Ione, pop. 479! Tiny motel but clean..walked to a groc. store to get dinner--microwaveable pizza and popcorn!! Also did some laundry--nice to have some clean clothes!
Miles 42
Total 376

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Day 8-Republic, WA to Colville, WA

See the deer? She was in the middle of the road.

Finally started out the day with blue skies!! After an egg sandwich at the local diner..we headed up Sherman's Pass. Very pretty day and the views incredible. Lots of switchbacks so the climbing was not too bad. Clouds did roll at the top..and showers on the descent. As we got near the bottom..temps were in the low 70's!! What a treat. Rain predicted again for tonight and again still no camping! Chilly at night too.
Miles 54
Total 334

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Day 7-Tonasket, WA to Republic, WA



Rick, Lynda and Hal

Rick, Lynda, Clint and Art!! Nice people!!

Another damp, cool cloudy day..but not nearly as wet as previous days. With all the climbing we have been doing..we would rather have this weather than hot weather!! Another scenic ride even with the clouds and rain. Tonight we went into the cute little town for a bite to eat. Got visiting with some of the locals...they were quite amused with our endeavor...had fun with them!!
Miles 44
Total 280

Friday, May 28, 2010

Day 6 Okanagan, WA to Tonasket, WA

Downtown Tonasket

Downtown Tonasket

Fer sure!!

Another very wet day!! Took our time re-packing all our stuff that we had to dry out-hoping the rain would subside a bit..but it didn't! Temps were mild so it wasn't so bad-and we knew it was going to be a short day. Still a pretty ride with all the rain. As we got into Tonasket the rain let up and within a couple of hours the sun came out!! It felt great!! We walked around the town (pop. 975!) and went into the Tonasket Saloon to have a beer! Funny watching all the locals playing pool! Met a guy while getting lunch..he lives a couple of miles from the top of tomorrow's climb (Waucanda Pass). He invited us to stop in at his place for a celebratory beer! Think we may take him up on that!!
Miles 30
Total 236

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Day 5 Mazama, WA to Okanagan, WA

Passing through Winthrop, WA

Headed towards Loup Loup Pass -elev. 4020 ft.

After a nice stay at the Mazama Country Inn we headed out not knowing how our legs would feel, so not expecting to go too far. We ended up feeling much better than expected!! Must have been the soak in the hot tub last night and the pint of Ben and Jerry's I ate (I ate the whole thing!!). We ended up climbing up Loup Loup Pass. Eight mile climb--pretty constant but not quite as steep as yesterday's climb! The scenery to the pass was pretty farmland-mountains-reminded me of Montana. At the top of the pass, it started to rain! Got the extra layers and rain gear on...long, fun descent. It poured the last 20 miles! More rain tomorrow. Planning on a short day tomorrow because Saturday is another long steep climb!
Miles 54
Total 206

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Day 4-Marblemount, WA to Mazama, WA

Rick has decided to take the train home!!

Starting the climbing....

This tunnel was so dark..scary.

Still climbing....

Very appropriate name!

That does NOT qualify as a state line!!!

Normally this is a welcome sign!

Starting the descent

Tough day! Started out at 7:30-dry and cool. Followed the Skagit River for a few hours--very pretty blue/green color and the woods are very lush and green. More hills than yesterday but not too bad. Around 11, the climbs were relentless. We climbed for over 4 hours solid with only a few "flats" or an occasional short downhill! Around noon it had started to rain. The ride ended with an 18 mile downhill..which you would think would be fun but because we had sweat so much to climb, and temps dropped to 40 at the top of the passes, we had to stop every mile because we were freezing!! Never finished til 5:30!! 76 miles! Funny comment Rick made--I had told him that when we were ready to descend the pass..I would need to add layers. He responded, "Yeah, if we get there in my lifetime." I don't think he likes me anymore. The good thing..the little motel we are at has a hot tub!! Guess where we went within 15 min. of checking in...

Miles 76
Total 152

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Day 3-Bay View State Park, Wa to Marblemount, WA

Hated saying goodbye to Scott. I hate goodbyes! We otherwise had a great day for riding..dry and cool-in the 60's, some sun and headwinds. Were on rt. 20 (and will be until we enter Idaho)-mostly flat until the last 15 miles...had a few longer steady climbs...very pretty ride. The mountains are getting closer! Bigger day tomorrow..will be climbing our first pass.
Miles 56
Total 76

Day 2-Anacortes to Bay View State Park (Mon. May 24)

Rick and I walked around Anacortes early am to let Scott sleep in. Finally dragged him out of bed for breakfast then to take a ferry to Friday Harbor on San Juan Island. We toured around on bikes-beautiful, cool sunny day..saw 2 bald eagles! Arrived back in Anacortes late afternoon..then Rick and Scott rode loaded bikes (Scott took mine) 20 miles to Bay View State Park!! I drove Scott's car to the Park - where we had the cutest cabin- met them with cold beers and a steak dinner!! Scott got quite a kick out of some guy that yelled, "that is some kind of serious biking!" After dinner..enjoyed a great campfire, some s'mores, the moon was out..stayed up until well after midnight!!! FUN!
Miles 20
Total 20

Monday, May 24, 2010

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Day 1-Anacortes, WA

We stayed here!!

Had the best wood fired pizza!

and beer..

Uneventful flight into Seattle-arrived a half hour early!! Our son Scott picked us up. (He had driven from Salt Lake to Oregon to mtn bike and then drove up to Seattle yesterday.) Went to the Troll Bridge and then the zoo in Seattle!! Got to our hotel and Rick got the bikes together. Had some great wood fired pizza at the Rock Fish Grill and Brewery! We will be checking out the San Juan Islands tomorrow. Great to see Scott!!