Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Day 4-Marblemount, WA to Mazama, WA

Rick has decided to take the train home!!

Starting the climbing....

This tunnel was so dark..scary.

Still climbing....

Very appropriate name!

That does NOT qualify as a state line!!!

Normally this is a welcome sign!

Starting the descent

Tough day! Started out at 7:30-dry and cool. Followed the Skagit River for a few hours--very pretty blue/green color and the woods are very lush and green. More hills than yesterday but not too bad. Around 11, the climbs were relentless. We climbed for over 4 hours solid with only a few "flats" or an occasional short downhill! Around noon it had started to rain. The ride ended with an 18 mile downhill..which you would think would be fun but because we had sweat so much to climb, and temps dropped to 40 at the top of the passes, we had to stop every mile because we were freezing!! Never finished til 5:30!! 76 miles! Funny comment Rick made--I had told him that when we were ready to descend the pass..I would need to add layers. He responded, "Yeah, if we get there in my lifetime." I don't think he likes me anymore. The good thing..the little motel we are at has a hot tub!! Guess where we went within 15 min. of checking in...

Miles 76
Total 152

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