Passing through Winthrop, WA
Headed towards Loup Loup Pass -elev. 4020 ft.
After a nice stay at the Mazama Country Inn we headed out not knowing how our legs would feel, so not expecting to go too far. We ended up feeling much better than expected!! Must have been the soak in the hot tub last night and the pint of Ben and Jerry's I ate (I ate the whole thing!!). We ended up climbing up Loup Loup Pass. Eight mile climb--pretty constant but not quite as steep as yesterday's climb! The scenery to the pass was pretty farmland-mountains-reminded me of Montana. At the top of the pass, it started to rain! Got the extra layers and rain gear on...long, fun descent. It poured the last 20 miles! More rain tomorrow. Planning on a short day tomorrow because Saturday is another long steep climb!
Miles 54
Total 206
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