Friday, May 28, 2010

Day 6 Okanagan, WA to Tonasket, WA

Downtown Tonasket

Downtown Tonasket

Fer sure!!

Another very wet day!! Took our time re-packing all our stuff that we had to dry out-hoping the rain would subside a bit..but it didn't! Temps were mild so it wasn't so bad-and we knew it was going to be a short day. Still a pretty ride with all the rain. As we got into Tonasket the rain let up and within a couple of hours the sun came out!! It felt great!! We walked around the town (pop. 975!) and went into the Tonasket Saloon to have a beer! Funny watching all the locals playing pool! Met a guy while getting lunch..he lives a couple of miles from the top of tomorrow's climb (Waucanda Pass). He invited us to stop in at his place for a celebratory beer! Think we may take him up on that!!
Miles 30
Total 236


  1. this little town of Tonasket is one awesome place.....I love it!!!

  2. bought property 18 miles east on the Aeneas Valley 6.5 yrs. ago, little cabin, great neighbors, lots of wildlife, awesome fishing, wonderful town. what more can I say?
